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Stephen Thwaits

Stephen Thwaits

Stephen Thwaits, SVP of Global Solutions, boasts over two decades of expertise combatting fraud, particularly in designing fraud decision models leveraging thousands of indicators to thwart ID document fraud. Having earned a Certified Fraud Examiners (CFE) credential, Stephen has honed his skills in aligning risk and crafting mitigation algorithms and developing fraud prevention strategies.

Stephen’s broad industry background, spanning Finance, Consumer Services, Retail, and Life Science & Health Services, showcases his strong business acumen in technology-based services, particularly in IT and fraud risk governance and auditing. His hands-on involvement in both operational and strategic aspects of technology projects has equipped him with a deep understanding of their interconnected nature, positioning him as a valuable asset in navigating complex technological landscapes.

deep fakes generative ai technology used for injection attacks

Injection attacks are one fraud tactic bad actors are using to submit fakes. With the help of AI technology, these attacks are gaining steam, and they can be difficult to stop– but not impossible, with the help of new algorithms.